The Maffra & District Car Club is a registered club with VicRoads to enable its members to obtain a permit under the VicRoads Club Permit Scheme.
The Club Permit Scheme is a fantastic system to allow enthusiasts to make use of their cars in a very cost effective way. We rely on our members to do the right thing by our club and comply with the VicRoads requirements.
Current financial members can obtain these permits through VicRoads to allow, limited usage, (45 or 90 days per year), of vehicles that meet the eligibility criteria. There are various conditions on the vehicle eligibility; primarily that it is at least 25 years old.
VicRoads requires the club to keep a record of vehicle details, including 5 DATED photographs (date printed on the photo) of the front, rear, driver’s side, driver’s side with door open and vinplate or chassis number or engine number.
More details on the application process, usage, costs and eligibility criteria can be found on the VicRoads website. Click here to get more details about their scheme.
Club Permit vehicle initial applications and administration with the MADCC is handled by Richard Sclater, who can be contacted on his mobile phone: 0429978020
Renewals can be signed by Anthony Kovco 0431 846 137.
It’s important for members to note, your club permit requires that you are a current financial member. If your club membership lapses, your VicRoads Club Permit becomes invalid and your vehicle can no longer be driven on the road.